
查看77 | 回复0 | 2024-7-25 16:46:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 美国


Ministry of National Defense: The PLA Never be Swayed by Fallacies, Deterred by Intimidation, or Cowed by Pressure



Question:It’s reported that the RIMPAC-2024 exercise is taking place near Hawaii, and one of its subjects is sinking a 40,000-ton amphibious assault ship. Some analysts believe this is an act of muscle-flexing against China. Gen. Charles Brown, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently said he was “fully confident” that the US would win a war against China, should a conflict break out over Taiwan. Do you have any comment?


Zhang Xiaogang:We have noted relevant reports. Intimidating China with military exercises or aggressive rhetoric will never work. The PLA will never be swayed by fallacies, deterred by intimidation or cowed by pressure. We have the resolve, capabilities and means to defeat all aggressors, and safeguard our national sovereignty, security and development interests.


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